Student Resources and Support Services
In the course of their time in college, most students will encounter challenges that they don't quite know how to handle. Sometimes asking for or knowing where to go for help can prove extremely difficult. Student Resources & Support Services (SRSS) was created to give students in need of support a single place to go for assistance. We use an individualized approach to help students connect to the resources that they may need on campus and in the New Orleans community. SRSS includes the Office of Case Management & Victim Support Services, Goldman Center for Student Accessibility, the Office of Student Conduct, the Office of Family Programs, and the Tulane Recovery Community. We are committed to helping all Tulane students successfully navigate problems that may arise so they can have a successful Tulane experience.
We also know that many times students in need of support turn to peers, friends, faculty/staff members or parents for help. Student Resources & Support Services is also available to help those individuals appropriately support students who have turned to them.
Student Resources & Support Services is a great place to go if you have no idea where to go. No matter how difficult or unique your situation, we are here to help. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.
If you are facing a problem, concern, or conflict and are not sure where to begin, please contact the Office of Student Resources and Support Services (SRSS). During business hours you can call (504) 314-2160, e-mail, or stop by the Lavin-Bernick Center (LBC) Suite G02. For after-hour support, the Division of Student Affairs provides a 24/7 professional staff on call for urgent situations and can be reached by calling (504) 920-9900.
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Report a Concern

If you have a concern about yourself or any other member of our Tulane community, you can complete a concern report. You may provide your contact information or submit anonymously. Select the link below to submit.
Important Note: This submission system is designed to solicit the concerns of members of the Tulane Community, and all reports will be appropriately addressed. It is not designed to address imminent emergencies. If you have an emergency to report, please call Tulane University Police at (504) 865-5911 (Uptown), or (504) 988-5555 (Downtown) or 911.